• Willow Bellotti

    Friend of family

    Willow Bellotti grew up with Leah Remini and was a friend of the family. Their mothers worked together and were friends, and Willow was friends with Leah’s sisters as well as Leah. Willow recalled how pompous Leah became and how she was no longer interested in people, even friends she grew up with, when she could no longer take advantage of them.

    Willow recalled how surprised she was to see the demeaning way Leah would treat people. “It’s not like she was the most important person in the world, and yet she acts like she is, and everybody else needs to be at her feet, kissing them, or she’s holier than everybody, and why are people not just falling over themselves to make sure that she’s okay. And especially when they are falling over themselves to make sure she is okay to see that she has honestly just dumped them like they don't matter.”


    So I’ve known Leah Remini and her family for many years. I actually grew up with Leah and her mom and sisters, when I was quite young.

    She always had a bit of a sense—I think it actually started when she was, became an actress. When she got her first role, I was in her life at that point. And it became everything. She became the most important person in the room. She became the most—well, she just had to be better than others at that point. And I think when she started to show her true colors, it was after that.

    She was very rude and extremely pompous and was very much about how come she wasn’t getting the service that she deserved, and this person was doing everything they possibly could do to help her. And it was, I think it was over a cup of coffee or something completely silly. And to see that in her, I mean we were just in a conversation and she turned to this other person and started giving them a whole horrible wrath of hell. I was kind of “Wow,” you know, that was rude. She was like, “Oh, she’s always messing up my coffee and continued to complain about this person. You know, I can understand to some degree that if you’re expecting a certain quality of service, that should be provided. To go out of your way to make someone feel less and to—honestly, this person almost walked away in tears.

    I think her true colors started to come out when she started to get some of the celebrity in her. And she wasn’t, I mean I think she’d done one episode of “Saved by the Bell.” I mean it was like something that she was on for a few minutes. It wasn’t, her stardom had not even peaked, not that it ever has, but it had never been like huge movie star. She was on an episode of a show. Cool, but not necessarily all that. And certainly not deserving of making others feel less. And that definitely became kind of her, what she was known for.

    It’s not like she was the most important person in the world, and yet she acts like she is, and everybody else needs to be at her feet, kissing them, or she’s holier than everybody, and why are people not just falling over themselves to make sure that she’s okay. And especially when they are falling over themselves to make sure she is okay to see that she has honestly just dumped them like they don't matter.

    I realize that it might be stressful getting into a career and I've worked with many celebrities in the past. I have many V.I.P. friends. I have many circles that I have been part of that I can drop names all day long. They've never once treated me anywhere close to how she's treated me. And they are far more important than she'll ever become.

    It was very disheartening for me because here is someone that I grew up with that I actually thought was a friend, and she pretty much started to ignore me after that. Unless we were with family, like if it was a group of us together and it was her sisters and her mom, then I was okay. But her to me became very much—you're not important to me anymore. You can't help me anymore, so you no longer have value to me. And I can no longer take advantage of you, so you offer nothing. And you're, you know, go, go play with your peasant friends and go away.

    It was very much, “Oh you guys don't matter. Done with you.” So I was sad to see that that was the way she started treating what I considered friendships that would have, could last a lifetime. That was you know the foundation of what we were, becoming young girls and young women and having the values that Scientology does teach us, to honor and respect and have higher values than “you don't matter.” That was never ever taught.

    I remember meeting her boyfriend at the time who was actually, he was such a sweet guy. And I think he was, he was new to Scientology. I don't think he had ever, or he was first time or second time into the Church, and he was speaking with a friend of mine, a mutual friend of mine. So I walked up to him, to them, and introduced myself. And we were talking and then Leah came up and she was like so rude to him, like “What are you doing? You need to come with me right now.” And “You need to quit talking to them.” And “Why are you flirting with that girl?” That girl was me who I grew up with her. I looked and I was like “Hi Leah.” And she's like kind of huffed and puffed and walked away with him and I was like, what did I just miss? All I said was hello. And to see that response come in when it was—there was nothing happening. And I maybe was next to her boyfriend for a whole minute and a half, maybe. And he seemed, he was so pleased to meet me. He was like, oh you’ve known Leah for a long time? And I'm like yeah we grew up together and I know her sisters and I know her mom really well, and I think that's about as far as I got before it turned into “you're stealing my boyfriend and leave him alone.” So I was like “well then.” And then he was… I saw them a few minutes later and she was chewing him out, just nailing him to the ground, like “How dare you” and “I bring you to this place and this is how you treat me.” And I don't know what he had done but he was apologizing, “I'm sorry it's not what you think” and I didn't stick around for much longer than that.

    So it's like she's trying to step on people so that she can be given something. And it's all false. It's all a deck of cards, or house of cards. It's all this fake truth that she's sitting on that … It doesn't mean anything. And I think you know obviously she's money hungry. I think that the things that she's trying to use….that is an “interesting story,” somehow you know Scientology becomes the “Oooh, what's that.” And, you know, you’d think by now that people would go okay. Been around long enough. And there's you know, we're growing faster than ever and we have bigger organizations than we've ever had. So there's nothing quiet about what we're doing. There's nothing private or that you can't find out. And she’s the last source I would go to for anything much less Scientology and find out what is Scientology.