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“I’ve met a lot of people who were ex-Scientologists. They usually don’t, they usually don’t say anything to me. Just as I wouldn’t say anything about their religion, or whatever they are doing. You know, I wish them the best. You know, I want them to live a good life. I’m not going to sit and name call and—you know if it’s not for you it’s not for you! You know what I mean? I’m not going to go off—if I go get a bad facial am I going to spend the rest of the day going, you know, “This salon over here isn’t…” you know? I mean it’s just like, it’s just a waste of time. Just go on with your life. I get scared of people who run around making this their, their like mission in life. It’s like, please. It’s, it’s crazy, but it’s insane. There’s so many things to be doing in life rather than running after people who are doing good!”
And you don't have to be a Scientologist. I could care less if you are a Scientologist. But I care about you as a human being.