• Julianne Williams
    on Leah Remini

    Former Friend

    Julianne Williams, a real estate agent who knew Leah for many years, describes how Leah was always trying to control her dark side, and how Scientology would help her be a better person. But when the paychecks were not coming in fast enough, what better way for Leah to make money than attacking Scientology.


    What Leah is doing right now isn’t so shocking to me. I actually started seeing some behaviors that I really kind of was like whoa, this is not a nice person. And that hit me in 2008. We ended up becoming pretty close friends in the early 2000s. We, you know, she was at my baby shower in 2007. I was at her baby shower, birthdays, hanging out at her house, karaoke parties so we got to pretty close in I think 2000 to about 2007. Once she had her kid she definitely went into the ‘I’m a new mom mode’ and I didn’t see her as much.

    But it definitely hit me in 2008 at her sister’s wedding. I was eight months pregnant and I was waddling in to go pee as very pregnant people do. And I opened the door to the lobby which is where we had entered and she looked right at me and said to somebody to her side ‘I thought we closed this door to the public.’ And I was like Oh! Oh, your friend, the 8-month pregnant person has to go pee and that’s… that’s where you’re at. And I definitely, that was it for me. I was like ‘Got it. I see where she’s at now.’

    And it definitely started I think when she became friends with Jennifer Lopez, like she definitely started becoming very self-important. There were so many times, when…like one of our best friends sent out an e-mail like ‘Hey, let’s go to Disneyland for my birthday.’ And there’s like 10 of us on the e-mail and they’re all pretty—everyone knew each other and a pretty trusted group. And she had a real problem that she wasn’t blind copied on it. It’s like this is Disneyland we’re talking about, like to your friends, and you want to be blind copied? So there’s little clues that this, there were things that were not quite right. And her feeling very important, I think falsely.

    You could always tell that there was a dark side that would sometimes pop up. She was constantly like digging for salaciousness or gossipy stuff. When you’re joking around and it’s lighthearted that fine but it’s kind of like a little indicator that—you know that’s where she lives. Like that’s her little wheelhouse of, you know, what she likes to talk about. You know looking for dirt, always having you know the trash magazines around. And you know looking for stuff on other people or herself. I mean that’s truly what I think Leah’s doing here is trying to keep herself in the limelight. I mean that’s really what I think this is about. Because I think her career started going downhill or you know the big show she was on, is no longer on and she needs money. And you know, what bigger thing to give her money is sensationalism. And you know I think that’s what this is. To a definite, a certain extent.

    I believe she’s even said if it wasn’t for Scientology, who knows where she’d be, because she knows she has that darkness.

    She’s always been trying to control her inner beast. You know and she knows she can get nasty and mean and Scientology was continually helping her to you know be a kinder nicer person, being happier with herself.

    You know, the beast was too much for her. And you know with her career maybe you know, not being on a hit show, I don’t know. She got fired from The Talk. Paychecks being of an issue. And her mom, who’s, that’s another subject, in her ear. It’s like, “Hey, what better way than to make some money is to just try to attack Scientology.”