• Leah Remini’s Aftermath: Exposed As Lies Once Again

    Watch Leah’s former “guru” expose her lackey Mike Rinder as a fraud

    Leah Remini and her chauffer Mike Rinder tried so hard to recruit Marty Rathbun for her ASC (Anti-Scientology Cult) that she went so far as to offer that he could “write his own ticket” to star in her A&E hate fest.

    Rathbun has exposed Remini and Rinder as the frauds they are, from the dishonest, unvetted sources paraded before A&E’s cameras to the lies Leah tells about her former religion.

    Instead, in a recent series of videos, Rathbun has exposed Remini and Rinder as the frauds they are, from the dishonest, unvetted sources paraded before A&E’s cameras to the lies Leah tells about her former religion.

    In a series of videos recently posted by Mark “Marty” Rathbun, Rathbun takes apart his former friend Rinder using the very words Rinder made in online postings after he left the Church and prior to his being recruited by Remini to serve as her stooge. Like a ventriloquist, Rinder sits alongside Remini before the cameras, mouthing whatever words she and her producers stuff into his mouth. The surprising beauty of Rathbun’s expose of Rinder’s dishonesty is that it is Rinder’s own words that contradict the scripted diatribe Rinder recites each week for Remini when he’s on A&E’s payroll.

    Like a ventriloquist, Rinder sits alongside Remini before the cameras, mouthing whatever words she and her producers stuff into his mouth.

    Think for Yourself

    Rinder hypocrisy at its worst. Even after becoming a paid anti-Scientologist, Rinder posted favorable comments about his experience in the Church religious order, in stark contrast to the hate he spreads with Remini about the group of dedicated individuals who have devoted their lives to their faith and making the world better. In this video, Rathbun reads Rinder’s own words written pre-Leah, including his view that the Sea Organization “was tremendous esprit de corps, worked hard and played hard. If it could have gone forever, I would still be there.”

    Rinder on Religion

    In front of Remini’s cameras, Rinder pontificates about Scientology’s status as a religion, ignoring its recognition by governments and courts as a bona fide religious faith. Rathbun unearths writings by Rinder when he was chief paid anti-Scientology spokesman in which he admitted: “There is no doubt in my mind confirmed by numerous courts and scholars that Scientology IS a religion.”

    Passive Aggressive Treatment

    Rathbun, Rinder’s former “best good buddy,” cuts to the heart of Rinder’s personality: “the one fact remains … he is an inveterate liar.”

    More Rinder Acting

    Taking apart Rinder’s vacuous gabfest with Remini, Rathbun summarizes it as: “So, Mike Rinder is literally just blowing it out his ass to please Princess Leah and collect his check.”

    Taking apart Rinder’s vacuous gabfest with Remini, Rathbun summarizes it as: “So, Mike Rinder is literally just blowing it out his ass to please Princess Leah and collect his check.”