Update: Leah’s father George Remini and his wife Dana have depicted Leah as the person she really is: heartless, not giving, instead one who only cares about herself, who will only do something if it benefits her directly, and one who leaves their family out to dry.
Like when she wouldn’t pay for her father’s cancer testing. The no testing resulted in a year later Leah’s father George discovering he did have cancer, requiring surgery. Leah’s father explains how when he reached out for a little help, Leah dragged her feet and didn’t fulfill a promise to pay $1,500 for a cancer test he desperately needed, an amount he said is “a pair of shoes for her.”
But Leah’s father is not the only one she left uncared for, Leah’s half-sister Stephanie died from cancer in 2013. According to Leah’s family, Leah refused to pay for Stephanie’s cancer treatment before Stephanie died.
Then there were Leah’s grandparents who she didn’t visit. Their only use was when her grandmother was dying, according to George, Leah arranged to raid the grandmother’s estate and take what she could.
George and Dana go on to describe Leah as manipulative and finagling, even of Kevin James, her King of Queens co-star. They say that Leah is very narcissistic, jealous and wanting to grab success from anyone who holds it, like the co-host on Kevin James’ show, who Leah managed to get offed so Leah herself could take the starring role.
He adds that after he was diagnosed with cancer he received a card—not from his own daughter, but from Kevin James.
George Remini and his wife Dana describe Leah as a heartless woman, not who she falsely portrays herself to be.
To see the full video of George Remini (with his wife Dana), on daughter Leah, in his own words, click here.