• Leah Remini • Aftermath: Whistleblower

    A Leah Remini Aftermath whistleblower steps forward to do the right thing and tell the world how Leah Remini pays, controls and stages the people on the show to present a false and dramatized reality.


    CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY: Church of Scientology International. May I help you?

    WHISTLEBLOWER: I don’t know very much about Scientology, so you are going to have to forgive me. I’m not really familiar with it. I was present for a friend of mine while I was on vacation, who was giving an interview for a program and it involved a celebrity named Leah Remini, and I was asked to come over and kind of be there as a support system. So, while I was in the kitchen and this whole crew of people came, and this celebrity that I used to watch on King of Queens came. And she was doing this interview. And during the interview she kept stopping people and telling them, the people I was visiting, and she kept telling them that it needed to be more dramatic, to make it sound as bad as possible. And I was pretty astounded because these were older, what I considered to be older people. And I kind of thought she was taking advantage of them. And I asked at one point during a break my friend if she was really okay with this, and she said yes, and that they were receiving payment for the interview. And I just kind of felt like because she was telling the husband, “You really need to start crying at a certain point. That would be really good.” She kept stopping and telling them to up the ante. And she did this while big thing and so it kind of gave me the creeps and made me feel kind of dirty.